Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Mar 12 Columbia City

Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 21st WorldWide Sketchcrawl

Where would you all like to meet on the 21st? Here is the Seattle discussion forum for the upcoming Worldwide Sketchcrawl:

But you could post your ideas here too. I have tentatively thrown Volunteer Park into the ring, but I know someone had made a list of past suggestions too.



  1. Thanks for posting the sketchcrawl announcement Beth. I'm down for Volunteer Park. Where should we meet and what time. 9.30 a.m. as before?

  2. The conservatory opens at 10 so we've set that up as the meetup time and place -- but no doubt some will arrive earlier, as we always do! I am advised we should bring our own lattes, nothing open for coffee at the park. Should we bring lunches or head uptown later?
