Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Everyone has fun at the Food Circus!

For those of you who were not here in Seattle in 1962, the Center House used to house the Food Circus and the Bubbleator (prompting the eternal joke, "What happened to the tourist lady who visited the Seattle World's Fair?"), a clear spherical acrylic elevator that moved people slowly and futuristically from the first floor to the second -- and back! For some of us, the Food Circus will always be with us....
It was great to see all of you sketchers and your beautemous sketchbooks of wonder. Here are the leaves I came to paint today!


  1. thanks for the historic perspective Beth, that's very interesting for a newbie like me! always a fan of your impressionistic style!

  2. This is a very fun idea! Maybe I should start this in Salt Lake City!

  3. Very interesting technique. Wish I'd quizzed you more about it today -- hopefully next time. I think it's the gouache on top of pen lines that is intriguing.

  4. Wow, that's great, sorry I missed you guys today....

    I remember the bubbleator as a child, especially them decorating over the holidays into a pumpkin and a snowman! :)

  5. What a fun, sunny fall painting. Thanks Beth. Sorry I had to miss the crawl today.

  6. Brilliant autumn color! Wonderful expression. I love both so much.

  7. These are beautiful! Sorry I missed the session.
    Looks like it was a wonderful day.

  8. Thank you, my kind friends! What a beautiful day after all that rain! Hope we luck out so well in November!
