Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jet City Espresso

I walked into this place a couple of weeks ago and my mouth fell open. It's an old gas station/garage now full of antiques and kitsch (I mean full!) inside and out, most arranged better than any still life I could have come up with (there are years worth of subjects to draw). Yesterday I made my way there for some sketching and a coffee....


  1. great sketch Mark, this will be a great memory of Jet City Espresso, love the Open sign sitting on the floor but pointing upwards, as if it was hinting of the new taller buildings to come

  2. is there time to take photographs of all that material inside? wonderful sketch!

  3. Great painting It's an old gas station garage now full of antiques and kitsch

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