Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sketching at St. James Cathedral

Today Nan Ching and I took our Arch 415 class to St. James Cathedral. It was a great day for sketching! This is a beautiful place to draw and paint...makes you feel like you are in Italy. There are so many options for perspective views here. You can spend hours here and find more views that would be great to sketch.

This is a water color I did while I was there today. The color is much more vibrant than this scan shows. Is it my scanner? Any suggestions on settings to get the best color?



  1. hi Gail, thanks for giving us a peek of St. James, definitely a good sketch location!

    i'd make sure you are scanning on RGB mode —instead of CMYK mode. also, if you have photoshop you can always try to adjust the color a bit to match your original. for example, using the white eyedropper on the levels window you can select the areas that should be white as the paper and that would make the colors more true to the real sketch. likewise, the black eyedropper would make your lines as black as they should be. hope that helps!

  2. I use photoshop on my scans. A quick solution that always works is to:
    Go to 'image'
    Click on 'automatic levels'or 'niveau automatique'.
    To really zing 'em up:
    Go again to 'image'
    Click on 'light and contrast'or 'luminosité et contraste' and bring up the contrast.
    (my version's in French!)
