Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Beacon Hill and Northgate Light Rail

The recent outing to Beacon Hill was focused on the area around the Light Rail Station.  I have been riding the Light Rail more and more as stations are added to the system.  This was my first time getting off at the Beacon Hill Station.  It is accessed only by a fairly deep elevator, which is different from many of them that have escalators and stairs also getting to the surface station.  The location that I choose to sketch is the newly renovated Beacon Hill School that is part of a mixed use complex that grew out of the station development.  El Centro De La Raza looks to be a great asset to the community and a place for the arts and many other programs.

With the light rail as a theme I also spent some time sketching the rail /station construction at Northgate the day before our outing.  I met a one of the construction workers at the Beacon Hill outing that is working on the light rail and loved that I had bothered to sketch some of the things he is working on.  You never know who you will meet when you are out sketching!

1 comment:

  1. David, it is good to see you posting again! I enjoyed your latest and like the use line and color. Hope to see more. Thanks.
    Frank B
