Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Emerald City Trapeze Arts

Emerald City Trapeze Arts with Seattle Urban Sketchers on the balcony

tenacious trapeze artists by tenacious sketching artists
This was the most challenging experience for me. I was awed by the building but could not capture its essence. I struggled with a new Aquabee tablet as well as new PITT artist pens. And I could not find a comfortable place to spread out my supplies.

I ultimately gave up on the architecture and painted in some washes later. But the artist pens worked wonderfully for portraying acrobat motion. Each time an acrobat climbed the ladder, I knew I only had one chance to capture the swing and flip before the drop into the net. So the simple pen strokes were fun.

The sandwich board sign was actually out on the sidewalk.

Thanks, Gail, for arranging this great opportunity!


  1. Carleen! What a great sketch (the full color one with the bright yellow, and sandwich board.) You were brave and bold and you pulled it off!! It really "works"!!

  2. Thanks Peggy..I went home with a headache and my tail between my legs.
