Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Monday, May 10, 2010

27th World Wide Sketchcrawl this Saturday May 15th

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We are meeting at 10 a.m. at All City Coffee in Georgetown. Link to Seattle thread on SketchCrawl forum.

1 comment:

  1. I had a great time everyone! Awesome work, really inspirational. Can't wait for the next one, but I think I'll wear a hat next time!

    Anyone who is interested in joining Sketch Pistols events please send me a friend request on Facebook, and I'll add you to the Sketch Pistols "group". You may see a Facebook profile for Sketch Pistols too, but ignore that, I'm getting rid of it and running the announcements through my "Dave Adams' profile from now on.

    Keep sketching!

    Dave Adams
