During an early morning drive to Trader Joe's, I saw this road side abandoned couch. Such items are one of Tina's favorite subjects . Later this afternoon I went back out to sketch it.

I drove around some more in my area, which I refer to as "Kenton" as it's on the border of Renton and Kent (WA...suburbs south of Seattle).
I saw these Torch Lilies next to a driveway.

I turned in to a side street with the intention of going around and back out on the main street in another direction. Then I saw this and pulled over. A guy in a great big truck stopped across the street from me, almost blocking the view. I made sure he could see I was painting from my car as I think he was trying to figure out whether I was a threat. Me??

In all of these I heavily edited the scene, not including a lot of background and distracting content. In this way, my main interest doesn't get lost in the clutter of detail.
it seems like it's always the guys in the great big trucks that feel the most threatened. lol