Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

In the 'burbs

During an early morning drive to Trader Joe's, I saw this road side abandoned couch. Such items are one of Tina's favorite subjects . Later this afternoon I went back out to sketch it.

I drove around some more in my area, which I refer to as "Kenton" as it's on the border of Renton and Kent (WA...suburbs south of Seattle).

I saw these Torch Lilies next to a driveway.

I turned in to a side street with the intention of going around and back out on the main street in another direction. Then I saw this and pulled over. A guy in a great big truck stopped across the street from me, almost blocking the view. I made sure he could see I was painting from my car as I think he was trying to figure out whether I was a threat. Me??

In all of these I heavily edited the scene, not including a lot of background and distracting content. In this way, my main interest doesn't get lost in the clutter of detail.

1 comment:

  1. it seems like it's always the guys in the great big trucks that feel the most threatened. lol
