Next Sketch Outing

Saturday, Jan. 25: Gab & Grab

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


I have not posted here in a bit! Back in 2013 I did this sketch of Little Uncle's at 15th&Madison. It was a little walk up Thai food place, pretty good food and a fun location. There are so many new buildings in my neighborhood that have retail on the ground floor, I guess Little Uncle's saw fit to move into cushier digs just up the street..I'll draw that boring store front later. 

 The new walk up, Manu's Bodegita, has a different flavor and a different color! I have not yet sampled the menu.


  1. Welcome back! I'm not sure which looks like the more appealing venue, but they both look fun.

  2. Good to see your sketches again, Lynne!


  3. Glad to see you posting here again. I see your sketches on flickr, too. Hope to see you again at an outing in the near future! I've missed you.
