Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Friday, August 15, 2014

Drizzly August Morning at Gasworks

One of the sketchers in our Friday group commented that we are the hardy, dedicated ones, to show up on such a day of dampness and drizzle.  And one proved that later when she pulled out her umbrella and continued to sketch!

I had a hard time choosing a many viewpoints and angles, and a rich variety of subject matter.  But I finally settled on a muted Seattle skyline, with the park and some "gasworks" in the foreground.  I sat partly under one of the shelters, but even so, as I started to paint my sky, some of the fine mist landed on my sketch.  And the whole time I kept reminding myself, "it's August!!  Just 4 days earlier, it was 96 degrees!!"

1 comment:

  1. Peggy, this is a beautiful panorama! The colors, color density, the layering of foreground-middle-background all work great! Ciao!
