Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Sept. 18: Washington State Fair

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Along the San Antonio Riverwalk

I had to miss that rainy sketching at University Village because I was in San Antonio, TX visiting my mom and nursing a very, very bad cold that left me without much drawing umph.

The long sketch is at the Arneson River Theater in the heart of the San Antonio Riverwalk--still lush and beautiful after so many years. The rusted steel umbrellas are sketched during lunch at La Gloria, a great restaurant in The Pearl along the Riverwalk extension.

Was really great to see the sun for a change...

I leave for my three months in Paris on May 14!!!  I will be teaching a perspective sketching workshop in Civita di Bagnoregio, Italy (there are still spots if you are interested!),
and also feeling very lucky to have gotten into the Urban Sketchers Symposium in Barcelona!!!!  So excited!

1 comment:

  1. Nice sketches as always!
    I am so jealous of your trip and all the opportunities to sketch in France, Spain and Italy. Civita is a magical place and I want to go back again someday (after i finish paying for kids college!). Have a great time and look forward to seeing what you sketch and paint.
