Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

SC#25 at Volunteer Park

Another great day out with the group. The weather even cooperated, considering that it was November in the PNW.

Although it was tolerable outside, I couldn't resist the nice warm conservatory. Only problems I had were the occasional drops of condensation falling at random times on me or my sketchbook, and locating myself where I didn't have to worry that one of those sneaky sketchers would draw a picture of me.

There just wasn't enough cadmium pigment in my little pocket palette to do this lady justice:

After the flamboyant tropicals I headed for the more low-key (and drier) desert area, where these prickly fellows prefer to be left alone thank you very much:
And a quick trip outside to draw the very castle-like water tower. Just as I was getting to the point where I often overwork my colors, it started to sprinkle. I'd like to think the sketching gods were telling me, "enough already." Thank you sketching gods, I need all the help I can get.
Another fun outing. That climb up the stairs to the top of the water tower was great exercise. Here's hoping the next place we meet has an elevator!

1 comment:

  1. gorgeous sketches as usual! love that water tower. in your hands its castle potential is realized.
