Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Aimless on Capitol Hill


8/31/24 Capitol Hill neighborhood

Despite choosing the location myself, I had a bit of difficulty settling down to a sketch or three on Capitol Hill with USk Seattle. After much wandering and dithering, I looked down the hill from an intersection and spotted downtown. Then I moved just a few feet, and the Space Needle rose into view!

Wanting one more sketch to fill the vertical space on the page, I looked up at an apartment building and saw intriguing shadows cast by the railing around a small lanai.

I’m not sure the page I made says “Capitol Hill,” but some outings just end up that way – a bit storyless. Regardless, the weather was fabulous, and after our mostly cold August, it was wonderful to get summer back again for Labor Day weekend. While most of the city was frantically trying to cram in the last of the summer fun, it was relaxing to spend the morning with USk doing what I enjoy most.

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