Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Friday, March 8, 2019

Union Station

3/8/19 Union Station
Almost exactly three years ago when Urban Sketchers Seattle met at Union Station, I chose the fern planters and light fixtures as my subject – with a bit of the architecture for good measure. This time I was less ambitious – no architecture at all!

Although I didn’t sketch it, I did appreciate the building’s lovely restoration (backed by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen 20 years ago). Built in 1911, Union Station has not been used by trains since 1971. Rented out for events in the evenings and weekends, the building’s main daytime use is office space. Plenty of chairs and tables are scattered about the huge hall, but strangely, no food or beverages are available. That means that sketchers can feel free to use the space without buying so much as a cup of coffee.

Although we sketchers occupied most of the tables, the space was also taken up by some locals. To kill a few minutes before the throwdown, I sketched this man, who seemed to be transporting all of his worldly possessions in a roller suitcase and a garbage bag.

3/8/19 Union Station

Only the man at far right was not a sketcher!

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