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Saturday, Jan. 25: Gab & Grab

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Memories and Mobsters

I was lucky to attend the Chicago Sketch Seminar the second weekend in July. I grew up in Chicago and haven't really spent much time there since I left almost 50 years ago (!). The first day I meandered along the Magnificant Mile - North Michigan Avenue.

I stopped in to lunch at the Museum of Contemporary Art.

The seminar was great and I'm excited that next year's symposium will be there. In addition to sketches I did as part of the workshops I paid some visits to familiar locations - familiar because of plein-air oil paintings my father had done back in the '60's.

You can read about a little mob history and my history on my blog: Here's a peek:


  1. For many years I drove into Chicago to visit The Art Institute of Chicago and the Museum of Contemporary Art. Thanks for posting the sketches, especially the grand entry to the art institute.

    1. Very cool. Didn't remember you are a Midwesterner. Yes it's definitely a grand entry. Thanks, Kathleen.
