Next Sketch Outing

Saturday, Jan. 25: Gab & Grab

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Lake Union Park

8/12/16 Lake Union Park

No matter how much I love to travel (and I certainly do), I love coming home even more. Being away for nearly three weeks always makes me appreciate the simple things I take for granted otherwise – my pillow, my washcloth, my ordinary routines.

8/12/16 Canada geese
Flying in from London Thursday afternoon, I was so exhausted that I didn’t think I would make it to Friday morning’s Urban Sketchers outing at Lake Union Park, but after a solid night of sleep, I felt almost human again. Massive laundry and heaps of accumulated mail be damned! I decided that nothing would make me feel more at home than joining my friends at Lake Union on that gorgeous, blue-sky morning.

And that blue sky? That’s another thing I won’t take for granted. After mostly cloudy and overcast skies throughout the UK (not to mention plenty of rain in Manchester and Wales), I’m more certain than ever that at this time of year, no place on earth is as beautiful as the Pacific Northwest.

Home, sweet home.


  1. I have discovered Pacific Northwest summer weather is just about perfect. I'll reserve my travel time for the winter months. Nice MOHAI bell and Space Needle vista. Welcome back!

    1. Thanks, Kathleen -- it's good to be back!

