Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Mar 12 Columbia City

Friday, September 25, 2015

Ferry Terminal

The ad hoc Friday Sketchers went to the Ferry Terminal and had a look at the sea wall construction.  All of us were rather overwhelmed by the chaos of the building site.  So we sketched other views.  Despite a bit of rain, we could shelter under the terminal.

Anne, Jenny, Gwen, Tina, Susan, Kate (Nina left early)

I sketched the view to the south with Century Link ("the CLink") and SafeCo field.  And the cranes.  Always cranes in view!

Looking out the window of the terminal toward the construction site, with Gwen sketching the Great Wheel.

Afterwards, Tina and I went to Ivar's for lunch.  We sketched the back of the iconic Ivar statue as we couldn't get to the front view.

This is a statue of Ivar Haglund (founder of local fish and chips chain, Ivar's) feeding french fries to the gulls.

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