Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Western Washington Urban Sketchers Invited to Join Group Art Show this Upcoming October

Think Globally, Sketch Locally
Urban Sketchers Celebrates Edmonds

Urban sketchers from Western Washington communities are invited to join members of Urban Sketchers Seattle in celebrating the sketchability of the Pacific Northwest during October 2013 at two concurrent shows in Edmonds. The juried show will be presented at Gallery North, Edmonds’ premier artists cooperative. The open show will be on concurrent display at Café Louvre nearby. 

You are invited to submit original sketches evoking a sense of place that have been created on-site in the Pacific Northwest in the spirit of the Urban Sketchers  manifesto.

To submit work for the exhibition, post jpegs of up to three sketches in the Flickr group “Urban Sketchers Celebrates Edmonds” by midnight August 10, 2013.
Urban Sketchers Celebrates Edmonds flickr group

Please include in the image description:
·         the sketch title or text
·         approximate creation date
·         price (framed)
·         image size
·         media used

The jury expects to notify everyone (through Flickr) of their venue — juried show at Gallery North or open show at Café Louvre — by September 1.

If your sketches are accepted for the juried show, you will be asked to pay a hanging fee of $10 for the first piece and $5 for each additional piece, for a maximum of $20 per sketcher, to help Urban Sketchers defray expenses for receptions and publicity.

Sketches exhibited at Gallery North must be offered for sale at a minimum price of $75. A 40% commission on all sales goes to Gallery North, and an additional 10% to Urban Sketchers. 

Work displayed at Café Louvre may be sold without commission, but artists are asked to donate 10% of sale proceeds to Urban Sketchers to help defray the costs of the exhibition. 

Everyone is encouraged to turn out for receptions at both venues on Sunday afternoon, October 6, and during the Edmonds Artwalk on Thursday evening, October 17. We hope to create a progressive feast of sketching between these two venues on the streets of Edmonds. We will need many hands as street stunt sketchers, reception greeters and servers, and to share sketching materials with passersby to spread the joy of urban sketching. 


A window display will preview the show at Gallery North during the month of September. We seek the loan of a few sketchbooks and sketching kits for display during September and October. If you are interested in sharing for this purpose, please send a photo and your contact information to Teresa at

Sketch our region during two summertime outings with Urban Sketchers Seattle:

·         June 23 — sketching in and around Edmonds
·         July 21 — sketching in and around Mukilteo

See details on the blog of Urban Sketchers Seattle.

All exhibited sketches will need to be matted or floated, framed in black, and wired for hanging. An outside size of 9x11 or 14x11 inches is recommended. Please be aware you will need to work outside your sketchbook, or be willing to remove your sketch from your book! 

You can purchase black frames and precut mats at Aaron Brothers or elsewhere (some frames come with a mat). It is easier if you plan the size of your sketch so you don't need to have mats cut. See framing and hanger guidelines at the Flickr group “Urban Sketchers Celebrates Edmonds.”  Currently Aaron Brothers is having their buy one and get one for a penny sale as of June 16th.  See attached ad.


·         We draw on location, indoors or out, capturing what we see from direct observation.
·         Our drawings tell the story of our surroundings, the places we live and where we travel.
·         Our drawings are a record of time and place. 
·         We are truthful to the scenes we witness.
·         We use any kind of media and cherish our individual styles.
·         We support each other and draw together.
·         We share our drawings online.
·         We show the world, one drawing at a time.

For further information or questions, please contact Beth at


  1. The afternoon of the Mukilteo sketch outing there is a garden & Quilt Tour. It does have a cost but might be an event for which some may want to stay on.

  2. Will be great if sketches from all these events show up in our exhibit pool!
    Come join the flickr group, upload your sketches for the upcoming exhibits, and see the newest additions there too!
