Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Call for Art: Think Globally, Sketch Locally: Urban Sketchers Seattle Celebrates Edmonds



Think Globally, Sketch Locally: Urban Sketchers Seattle Celebrates Edmonds

Urban Sketchers Seattle invites you to celebrate the sketchability of the Pacific Northwest in two exhibits within the City of Edmonds:

Gallery North, Edmonds’s premiere artists’ cooperative, will feature a juried exhibit of work by members of Urban Sketchers Seattle during October 2013. Urban Sketchers from surrounding Western Washington communities are invited to join USk Seattle in submitting work for this exhibit. This will be a limited display of perhaps 30 to 50 sketches. Sketches exhibited at Gallery North must be offered for sale at a minimum price of $75. Gallery North will take a 40% commission and an additional 10% of the sale price will go to Urban Sketchers.

During the same month of October 2013, Edmonds Café Louvre will display the rest of the submissions received. Work displayed at Café Louvre will also be for sale, but the Café does not require a commission. Artists are asked to donate 10% of any sale to Urban Sketchers.

There will be two live events: an opening reception at both venues on a Sunday afternoon, probably October 6, and Edmonds’ usual Third-Thursday Art Walk the evening of October 17. On both these dates, we hope to offer a progressive feast of sketching in Edmonds, with sketchers working live, sketch materials to invite the public to participate, and refreshments.

We will need human involvement from many sketchers for these events to attend and serve at the receptions, to be “stunt sketchers” in the streets of Edmonds, and other helping hands.

To submit your sketches of Pacific Northwest beauty, post them in the Urban Sketchers Celebrates Edmonds flickr group by midnight August 10, 2013. To be eligible, sketches must have been created onsite in the spirit of the Urban Sketchers manifesto. The jury (old-time Seattle Urban Sketchers Beth (polusladkaia) Betker, Teresa (TylerStreet) Lawson, and Tim (Potimkin) Taylor) will be giving priority to sketches that evoke a sense of place and space rather than simply isolated portraiture or still life.

Two upcoming “official” Urban Sketchers Seattle outings will offer special opportunities for sketching this region, and we invite sketchers from the entire Pacific Northwest to join us. Check our blog for meetup details!

June 23: sketching in and around Edmonds
July 21: sketching in and around Mukilteo

For work accepted for Gallery North, there will be a hanging fee of $10 for the first accepted piece and $5 for each additional accepted piece (maximum of 3 pieces/$20 per artist). This money will go directly to Urban Sketchers to defray exhibit costs (of publicity, refreshments, etc.). Participating artists must frame accepted sketches in black and fit them out to hang, with either 9”x 12” or 11” x 14” outer (framed) size, for visual continuity and space optimization.

Submission details available online beginning June 30, 2013 at or from Beth at


  1. Gabi, this sounds exciting! For those of us who have never exhibited, can we get further into on how to present our work and how to price? I think I at least could be a "street stunt sketcher"! Thanks!

    1. Carleen, you ARE a street stunt sketcher! By June 30 there will be a prospectus with more details on framing available on the show's flickr group ("Urban Sketchers Celebrates Edmonds") description, on this blog, and also in the group email. Since you've raised the question of pricing maybe we can try to address that too! But feel free to contact me with specific questions in the meantime. If I can't answer them we will mount a safari to find help. Perhaps we'll discuss this live at an upcoming sketchout?
      Beth B

    2. Thanks so much, Beth!! I look forward to meeting you again (hopefully at a warmer venue than Univ Village!). And thanks for reminding me I AM a street stunt sketcher..I have an issue with calling myself an "artist", but no issue recognizing others are "artists"..hmm..

    3. Yep, that seems to be going around! We will have to remind one another of the truth! :)
