Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ballard Locks

The arm of this bridge was reaching skyward most of the morning, but when it lowered and the doors of the locks opened and shut it was like watching the two perform some form of industrial ballet. I tried my relatively new brush pen for this painting. I like the portability but struggled to get enough water on the page for sky and sea, so resorted to the old fashioned brush and cup.


  1. This is beautiful Dan! Glad you could make it.

  2. Great sketch Dan, I really like the strong darks of the bridge and shadows.

  3. I'm with Mark, Dan: the dark shadows are killer parts of a great sketch- and love the "industrial ballet" comment too!

  4. I agree. Simple lines. Deep values. Lovely blends and washes.
