Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

South Lake Union Park

 A couple of weeks ago I took my Architecture class to South Lake Union Park right on the edge of MOHAI and Center for Wooden Boats.  While I was waiting for them to arrive I started doing this ink sketch.  Kids were playing in the water fountains and having a great was one of our hot days  so who wouldn't have fun.  I didn't get a chance to add water color until last night.  The water color was done from memory.  Memories sometimes do fail us.....I had painted in shadows and realized that I had the shadows in the foreground going a different direction than the shadows on the roof of the buildings which were the accurate shadow lines.  So I had to lift out the foreground shadows and place in back in correctly.  The sky however was done on site.

1 comment:

  1. Gail-I love this. I run Lake Union several times a week and it has been so nice since the park was finished. Excellent sketch!
