Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Dominican in Seattle

Note:  At our last Sketchcrawl we were lucky to have Orling "Arty" Dominguez join us from the Dominican Republic.  She was here for a conference for Secondary and primary art educators.  Here is her post from that sketchcrawl on the Sound Transit Light rail.

In Dominican Republic we have a saying that goes like this: "the rain doesn't stop my party", well, after visiting Seattle I had to change that to "the cold doesn't stop my sketching". It was freezing on the morning of March 20th (45 degrees) and I was ready to spend the day sketching with the Seattle Urban Sketchers. The warm welcome and the joy of the group easily made me feel at home and ready to go!
Here are a couple of sketches done during the sketchcrawl along the Light Rail Train line.
Thanks to the group and specially to Gabi for the invitation. You made my quick visit to Seattle a very special one. Thank you all!!!

I'll be posting other sketches from this trip at my blog:

Now, back to my 80 plus degrees, I am kind of missing Seattle!

Orling "Arty" Dominguez


  1. it was great having you Orling and it's great to see your take on Seattle here, your sketches are so much more colorful and warm than the unfortuante gray and cold weather day we had. Love that you drew "el asadero" great style and perspective!

  2. Thanks Gabi and thank you all once again for such a great day!
