
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Capital Hill stroll

Starting from the community college I made my way west down Pike looking for a fun storefront bathed in sunlight and a good Americano. I found the coffee at Stumprown and the storefront at Sun Liquor - Seattles early leader on the small batch hooch scene.

From there wandering up across broadway I stood beneath the enormous street trees in front of Lost Lake on 10th and tried wash first then ink. Shadows and the tree canopy defined the image. The result is punchy and more like a comic book.
Working my way back to meet the group with not quite enough time for a sketch I sat behind Tina and scrawled a quick center perspective across the sculpture court. 

Looking back on these, I wouldn't change a thing about the path but would start with the loose sketch and end back at the school with time for a longer sketch, more confident with my drawing and sitting on the grass in dappled sunlight!

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